your soul signature

My soul branding is not just (web) design. It is the bringing forth of your soul essence expressed to its highest potential.
The soul signature is your pure, deep, pure brand identity, which reflects your work, what you want to bring into the world.
You can say that your branding is the DNA of your business, the core. If this resonates with your essence 1:1, flow and harmony will occur... and your counterpart will feel it too.

Your very own design tells your customer who you are, what your mission and vision is and, on a very subconscious level, determines how your customer feels about you and what he/she expects from you.
Your vibe attracts yout tribe!
With your soul branding, everything that you embody is made visible on a manifest level, so that exactly those people who correspond to your vibrational signature and who are perfectly attuned to you come into your field.

highest potential
Design & Texting for you and your heart business

Soulbrand logo _
This includes your soul signature package

a soul essence talk (zoom call, 45-60min)
Channeling your soul symbolism, your colors
and writings
the creation of your own personal colour,
Text and typography concept based on your vibration signature
your personal colormap with your soul colors
(Hex, CMYK, RGB)

your font codes (OTF, TTF)
your soul branding
an ImpactCall follow-up discussion (zoom call, 45-60min)
Support and exchange during the entire development phase
a basic product of your choice: business card (1/1),
Flyer (1/1) or a Social Media AdOn.
€599 1st

...and What'S next ? ?
Would you like business cards, a flyer banner? or AdOns or advertisements for your perfect social media presence?
No problem, I'll be happy to help you here too and create your wishes tailored to your soul signature in colour, text and design.
You can choose between individual products and bundles. We can also put together an individual package for you and your needs, e.g. monthly/weekly AdOns for Facebook or Instagram.
Flyer 1/1 (Front only) 99€
Flyer 2/2 (Front/Back) 189€
Flyer 4/4 (2Fold, f/b) 279€
Flyer 6/6 (3Fold, f/b) 549€
Business card (front only) 99€
Business card (front/back) 149€
Social Media AdOn 99€
Banner/Ad 99€
Basic Offset: 1 Visitenkarte, 1 Flyer(2/2) _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 249€
Basic Online: 3 SocialMedia AdOns/Anzeigen _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 269€
Classic Online Package: 5 SocialMedia AdOns/Ads 449€
Gold Online Package: 10 SocialMedia AnOns/Ads 799€
Bitte beachte: Alle Classic und Bundles sind auch ohne ein Soulbranding Paket buchbar
Gerne übernehme ich auch für dich den Druck! Je nach Format, Papierqualität u.a fallen unterschiedliche Kosten an, die nicht in der Erstellung inkludiert sind und zusätzlich dazu kommen.
Du hast bereits dein perfektes Branddesign, dir fehlt es aber noch an passenden und berührenden Texten? Oder du möchtest gern das "ganze Paket" rund um Branding & Texting an mich abgeben? Kein Problem! Gerne unterstütze ich dich bei der Gestaltung deiner Texte für deinen perfekten Webauftritt, deinen Flyer, Social Media AdOns und alle anderen Online- und Offline Produkte. Da der Umfang und der zeitliche Aufwand immer variieren, lässt sich hier kein genauer Preis festlegen. Wenn du dir Hilfe beim Texting & Wording wünscht, sprich mich am besten direkt an! Gemeinsam finden wir eine auf dich perfekt abgestimmte Lösung!

Soulbrand Website Packages

One pager or landing page
Onepager inkl. Datenschutzseite und Impressum und automatisiertem Kontaktformular
WIX Website inkl. SSL
Kurze Einschulung in den Editor zur eigenständigen Pflege der Website
Theme und Plugin Set up
SEO inkl. Ladezeitenoptimierung
Responsive Design (Mobile Ansicht)
Cookie Banner Einrichtung
1 Korrekturschleife**
Zoom zur Website-Übergabe
1999€ *


2-5 Menüseiten zzgl. Datenschutzseite, Impressum und automat. Kontaktformular
WIX Website inkl. SSL
Kurze Einschulung in den Editor zur eigenständigen Pflege der Website
Theme und Plugin Set up
SEO inkl. Ladezeitenoptimierung
Responsive Design (Mobile Ansicht)
Cookie Banner Einrichtung
2 Korrekturschleifen**
3 Zoomcalls insg.
Erstellung aller Website-Texte inkl.

3499€ *
Up to ten sub-pages plus data protection page and imprint
Complete soul branding including logo, fonts, color map and style design
Creation of your soul signature corporate design
WIX website incl. SSL
Training in the editor for independent maintenance of the website
Theme and plugin setup
SEO including loading time optimization
Responsive design
Cookie banner setup
2 correction loops
6 zoom calls in total
Creation of all website texts incl.
including hosting & domain for 12 months
All-round carefree package: -12 months at your side-
I'll take care of maintenance, updates, updates, adjustments for you!
* The monthly costs for your website including hosting and domain start at around €8 (these are already included in the Gold package). Of course, externally hosted domains can also be connected to your new homepage. I would be happy to do that for you! You can find more details about the different packages and the corresponding prices on WIX
Alle weiteren Informationen zum Vertragsgegenstand findest du in den AGBs.